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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You're Going to eat Your Words Jerry Jones!

So tomorrow is the night that all of our great football fans around the country have been waiting for; the season opener with the New York Giants facing the Dallas Cowboys at MetLife Stadium. This is one of the great rivalries in sports that we all come to love and both of these teams want to start off the season with a win. This will give either team a great start to put their stamp on the tough NFC Conference. I want to talk a bit about the Cowboys owner, the one and only Jerry Jones. I give it to him; he is very passionate about his team and very involved at that. Some may feel that he is a bit intrusive in the everyday operations of the team, but the team is used to it.
Jones doesn’t know when to stop talking and go play golf somewhere. Jones has made it known that you are never to old to talk trash. I guess Jones and Mark Cuban have so much in common. Well they both are in Dallas; any coincidence? Jones says that the Cowboys are going to “kick their ass”. Jones might just eat his words when big blue comes out and have a sack and reception fest against them. The Cowboys do have some talent on that team, which I spoke in my article last week about Dez Bryant, but they don’t have that Eli clutch gene. Tony Romo knows exactly what I’m talking about.

I’m just happy football season is back and I want to see what the Giants will do this season. I just don’t want to see them lay an egg and lose to teams that they are supposed to beat. You guys remember last season with the lowly Washington Redskins put a whooping on them. I don’t want to see that again, just like you guys don’t. I believe with one of the toughest schedules that the Giants have this season; it will only test them to see if they have what it takes to get back to the promise land and win it all. Can we say REPEAT? My prediction for tomorrow night is that the Giants will win but not by a blowout because Romo will give it his all tomorrow, but Elite lol I mean Eli has his number. Tell me how you feel about tomorrow’s game and your prediction?

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