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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Top 10 Overhyped Players in the MLB Today

My final list is out and here it goes. These MLB players have been very fortunate to be added to this exclusive list as overhyped athletes today in the league. This list was the most hardest to put together because as we know in baseball, many players are getting hefty contracts and they aren’t living up to them. Many of these players were great in their primes and still have a little left in the tank but now they are just collecting their big fat checks. Being overhyped isn’t just a word to say, it’s a perception of the players that we think are the best but aren’t. These players aren’t even close to the money they are making or even the hype that they are getting; just my thought on it. I’m a fan of athletes getting paid, but when you get the money just don’t fall off the face of the earth. They said money didn’t change them! Hmm. What do you think about the list? Who would you add or take off. The stage is yours.
1.      Alex Rodriguez
2.      Mark Teixeira
3.      Johan Santana
4.      Jose Bautista
5.      Jimmy Rollins
6.      Josh Beckett
7.      Joe Mauer
8.      Ryan Howard
9.      Carl Crawford
10.    Jayson Werth

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