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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Shall Never Forget 9/11

September 11, 2001 would be a day and year that we’ll never forget. The terrorist attacks on our great country and the city that we love changed our lives forever. The World Trade Center was attacked by terrorist that hated our country and believed in a leader that had evil in his heart. But when there is pain comes courage and unity. This country came together and united as one. They cried and healed together. So as we remember this day, we want to say thank you for all the men and women in uniform that saved many lives while giving their own. Very couragous heroes. Thank you!
The New York Mets had something to say to the world that day and they beat the Atlanta Braves 3-2 with an amazing home run by the great Mike Piazza. That wasn’t just a home run which was a heartfelt hit over the fence that “we are a strong nation”. I was only a senior in high school, but I understood what it meant for the city and the country. That was the change of the attacks in my opinion. That home run will be memorable for decades to come. That was a difficult game to watch that day and I could only imagine that the players on both teams could barely get on the field. With a lot of emotion in the air, the Mets came to play and I will always show them respect for how they came out.

I’m so proud to be an American of this great country and we will prevail in the end and Osama Bin Laden has paid for his obstruction to our country. Hopefully we will never face an attack like this again. That was a scary day for all of us, but with the Mets playing that game; it made things a bit easier to heal.

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