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Monday, September 10, 2012

The Circus has Officially Left NY

I will be the first one to say that I was truly impressed on how the New York Jets put a hurting on the newly Buffalo Bills starring $100 million man, Mario Williams. They did a hell of a job on offense and defense stopping the Bills. I guess Mark Sanchez shut up the non-believers and the critics for now that he is a good quarterback. People always knew that he was a decent quarterback but many didn’t feel that he has what it takes to take them to the promise land, and that is the Super Bowl. We’ve all seen how Sanchez took them to two straight AFC championship games but we live in the “what have you done for me lately” era.
I was one of the critics that just thought they just won’t get it done this season and here comes Rex Ryan to the rescue, to show everyone he is a very good coach. He might talk a lot but he backs it up many times. So I give him and the Jets credit for that. It just something about this team that I’m just not sold as of yet and yes, this is only one game. Many thought they were going to win anyway, but not like this. It was an embarrassing blowout for the Bills. The score was 48-28 Jets. Who would have knew they had that offense in them. Also can we please stop talking about this wild cat offense? Pleassseeee! I’m just so tired of it! The Jets are acting like they are the ones that started this offense. There are many other teams that have been doing it for many years now.

Hopefully this team can bring this momentum into next game and for the rest of the season. The question is; can they? Only time will tell guys. What I can say is that this will be an interesting team to follow and all the entertainment that follows them. With all the circus acts in the off-season and through preseason we can now feel comfortable that this team will score touch downs and be competitive. I really don’t want Sanchez to lose his job to Tim Tebow because this man can’t throw to save his life. Great person and very spiritual at that but a pathetic passer! Sanchez was looking like old and a top 15 quarterback in the NFL at that. Even Holmes looked like he was having fun and that is very hard to see. Winning cures all! So like the radio and television says; J-E-T, Jets, Jets, Jets! I’m just singing the jingle ya’ll lol! Where do you think this franchise will finish at the end of the season?

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