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Friday, September 21, 2012

I Love my Knicks but Steph is Right

Starbury makes the news again yesterday with his interview with ESPN’s Ian Begley and I can tell you that he was right on point. Marbury made comments on the Anthony/Stoudemire duo and his belief of them not meshing together and their upside. First I want to let you guys know that I’m a big fan of the New York Knicks so don’t think I’m beating them up. I’m a realist at heart. I don’t let my feelings and emotions get in the way what the truth really is about a team. The numbers aren’t lying about Anthony and Stoudemire teaming up. They are a .500 team with the duo (ESPN New York, 2012). This isn’t good at all guys! You would think that they would have a better record together, but like Steph said Amar’e needs a point guard who is like Steve Nash to run the pick and roll. That is the kind of player Stoudemire is and he flourishes in that kind of system.

Marbury knows Stoudemire because he played with him in Phoenix as his point guard. So the man definitely knows what he is talking about and is credible. Many people are saying that Marbury is sour about the fallout of the Knicks, but I say he is over it and has moved on with his life. Don’t get me wrong, of course he wishes that things would of turned out better and they could have made magic together. But things happy people. I just don’t know why this is big news because many people are upset about this duo’s chemistry together. Steph is just the scapegoat that people want to label.

Carmelo is a hell of a player but he doesn’t have a good reputation of making people around him better. This is the season where he can turn it around and be more than just a scorer. I know that he needs help and can’t do it alone. Stoudemire and Anthony have to get it together because we can’t take another 1st round exist in the playoffs. Sorry! Money was a big part of Anthony coming to the Knicks. I don’t think it was mainly on his talent. Remember the Knicks renovated the Garden and they needed a face to sell to the fans and Anthony was it. Without him those suites wouldn’t be filled and if they were it would of been at a discount. We all know Dolan doesn’t give out discounts! Do you think Marbury was out of content when he gave his comments on the duo?

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