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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Where are They Now: Chris Childs

Many people that I known through the years would always bring up on the basketball court "what ever happened to Chris Childs"? It always had me wondering as well, because when he retired from the NBA, we haven't heard from him since. He was last on the scene playing for the New Jersey Nets in the 2002-2003 season and then after retired.

Chris Childs was born and raised in California. That is the place where he learned the definition of toughness. After high school Childs became a standout point guard for Boise State University in the late 80's. Even with the accomplishments that Chris Childs received, he went undrafted in the 1989 draft.

Childs didn't let that deter him but it gave him motivation. He chose a different route that will eventually land him in the NBA in 1994 at the age of 26. Before his NBA dreams could come true, he played five seasons in the CBA.

It was such a roller coaster ride for the point guard, as he played for eight different teams in that five year span. Throughout those years he put up some solid numbers and was just waiting on his chance to prove he belonged in the pros.

It is said that, the reason why Childs wore the number one is because he should've been drafted in the first round. I don't think anyone knew that. What goes behind a player selecting a number on their jersey's is priceless.

Chris Childs played for different teams in his eight-year career, but he's most remembered for his playing days with the New York Knicks. Childs wasn't just your normal off-the-bench kind of player. He brought toughness to the game which is missing today.

Chris Childs didn't back down from anyone and Kobe Bryant got to see that in 2000 where he got "chin checked". Having toughness and being physical was apart of the New York Knicks DNA in the mid 90's and if you weren't, you didn't play for that team. That was the prerequisite to be apart of that group.

Chris Childs loved playing in New York. It wasn't just about the fans or the chance to win a title, it was the media that drove him. Today's players aren't a big fan of playing in front of the New York media. That's what made him special and others that stepped up to the challenge in playing in New York. Childs was remembered for his tough defense and his knock down shots. When his phone rang, he answered the call.

But what hindered his career with the Knicks was his injuries. Every season that he played for New York it was something new from a contusion to sprained ankles. But this is a guy that came along way from his days of fighting alcoholism and being treated in rehab for weeks before his NBA days.

There isn't much news on where Chris Childs is today but sources are saying he was last living with his mother in his hometown. It is alleged that he's ducking child support payments. I guess he really did fall on hard times like most professional athletes when they retire from sports.

I wish him well and hope he can get his life back together.  I can say that Chris Childs was one of my favorite Knicks growing up. He brought the "Big Apple" some good memories playing alongside the likes of Allan Houston, Latrell Sprewell and Patrick Ewing.

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