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Friday, September 19, 2014

Roger Goodell: For the Love of Money and the Power

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, has faced much criticism these past few weeks on the state of his league. Goodell has everything from domestic violence, child, and substance abuse cases that he's become overwhelmed by. I think that the darkness has started to come to light, and the shield that was once protected has been exposed.

Roger Goodell makes millions a year being the commissioner of the NFL, and if you think he's walking away from that, you're crazy. He loves the money and the power that it brings. Goodell has everyone against him from his own players, and the country in whole. Roger Goodell isn't liked at all. But he does a some supporters out there, and it's the 32 owners in the NFL. As long as he's bringing in the money which includes sponsors, they'll keep loving him.

But when is enough? Roger Goodell doesn't seem sincere in his approach, and it showed today in the news conference. The only reason why he seems apologetic, is because he knows this is his last chance to make it right. It's starting to look pretty sad for a guy that loves control, because he's getting one black eye after another. The NFL can't get a break, as they keep having players being charged with felony counts of  domestic violence or child abuse.

You see, Roger Goodell is such a hypocrite. In the Bountygate scandal, he acted quick and swiftly to suspend New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton for the entire season. Now the whole Ray Rice fiasco comes into play, and he gave him a slap on the wrist with only a two game suspension. If that's not spitting in the face of domestic violence victims in this country, I don't know what is.

The public is asking "why did it take so long for a personal conduct policy to be put in place"? I'm wondering the same thing, because the NFL is a professional sports league that generates billions of dollars each year. What kind of mega business you know that doesn't have these kind of policies in place? I don't know any major company that doesn't. When you're out-of-touch as a commissioner, that's when you get sued. You have to remember, you are the deep-pocket in this country. Roger Goodell and his staff need to get out the office chairs, and get to know the players better.

The press conference was terrible, as we seen Roger Goodell dodge certain questions from the media about the TMZ tape to resigning. Every question that came with some pressure, he just pushed to the side and followed with aggression. The NFL needs some kind of mentorship program for their young players. With this kind of program, it will help with their progression in the league and with their personal lives.

The league has changed so much in the past 30 years, and as it should. Yes, it has evolved, but whatever happened to the veterans that showed tough love and made sure that young players acted with class. That's what Roger Goodell should focus on and put resources into that. I really hope the NFL gets it right, and stay out of the news for the wrong things. Every time we watch CNN, ABC or any other major news program, we see a player facing some kind of felony charges. This can't keep happening!

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