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Monday, September 1, 2014

New York Yankees: A Little to Late for a Playoff Push

The New York Yankees could’ve made a strong push for the second wild-card spot in the division but losing these games to the mediocre Toronto Blue Jays isn’t going to get them there. Many fans are angry and frustrated at this club because they are the Yankees and they’re suppose to be better then this.

Manager Joe Girardi is getting killed from the media on the collapse of this club for most likely two consecutive seasons where the Yankees won’t make the postseason. The blame needs to go all-around and not just to the manager. Girardi has been a great coach for the past seasons for this over-paid and underperforming talent

First you have Mark Teixeira that can’t stay healthy and he just haven’t been the same since 2009 when the team won another World Series. His batting average is at another lowly .223, this is pathetic to say the least. They pay him over $20 million per season to give the fans this?

Let’s not keep putting the blame on one of the greatest baseball players of all-time in Derek Jeter. He’s doing the best he can do at his age. Did we not forget this is his last season playing in the pinstripes which he led the club to five titles.

I guess I’m just one of those New York Yankee fans that just can’t accept mediocrity. Average isn’t what I know of this team being in my lifetime. Yes, they were brutal in the early 90‘s when I was young but for 20 years now they have been stellar.

That’s what the Yankee fans expect and the mission statement says it as well. Anything less than a World Series title isn’t going to cut it. Hopefully this team can make up some ground when they face the struggling Boston Red Sox tomorrow.

But as we all know this is their rival and wouldn’t the city of Boston just love to raid on the Yankees parade and keep them out of the playoffs. We all know the answer to that but right now they have over 20 more games left to try and get some help from other teams to get in but I doubt they will make it.

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