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Friday, September 28, 2012

Top 10 Shortstops in the MLB

The playoff season in the MLB in right around the corner and to get you guys ready I’m going to be giving you my top 10 positions in the league. Many times we forget how great baseball can be until the playoffs comes around. With hard work and dedication these shortstops are making a name for themselves and some have put there names in the record book. So enjoy this list and understand this position is one of the most important in the game and it’s my favorite!
  1. Troy Tulowitzki

  2. Jose Reyes
  3. Asdrubal Cabrera

  4. Derek Jeter

  5. Starlin Castro

  6. Alexei Ramirez

  7. Hanley Ramirez
  8. Jhonny Peralta

  9. J.J. Hardy

  10. Jimmy Rollins

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