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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Villain Persona Makes it to the Hall

Now we can call former NBA superstar Reggie Miller a Hall of Famer. Once known through his whole entire career as a villain and an antagonizer, Miller lived up to those names. When Miller was growing up he wasn’t even the star of the family in sports. It was his sister and legendary women’s basketball Hall of Famer Cheryl Miller. She broke so many records in basketball that her brother Reggie wasn’t even thought of. She gave her brother the confidence that we’ve seen through his career. She pushed him to be the best and sure he was that in the 90’s. Reggie had all the odds against him. One was that his sister was a better player then him and lastly, he was so fragile looking that many thought he would break in half if he were to be hit.

I can’t lie guys, I was a big Miller fan through his career. The reason why was because you seen a player that could hit jump shots with ease and he was a villain. Many hate the villain but I embraced it. When he played the New York Knicks and terrorized them, I definitely wasn’t a fan then. He pushed my team to the limits and broke our hearts so many times. We can’t forget the 8 points he put on the Knicks in 8.9 seconds. This made my heart fall out my chest! I couldn’t believe what I say. This was one of the most heart breaking moments that Iv’e witnessed in sports through my life.

Miller was known for his chicken fighting on the court, where he was a pest defender and wouldn’t back down from any challenge. You knew when Miller stepped on the court it would become a show. He loved the theater of the game. Miller was the king of flopping and made it his brand. So when you see all the flopping in the league, you know where it all started. Miller knew how to get the referees on his side. When that three pointer went up and you were guarding him, best believe he was kicking out that leg and fall to the floor. I can’t knock him for that; he knew what needed to be done to win games for his club. The Indiana Pacers weren’t anything without Reggie Miller. This is the same player in 1987 when he was drafted 11th overall, he was booed by Pacer fans. Little did they know he would become there everything for almost two decades.

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