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Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's Expect This Every 5 Years

I know I don’t speak about the NHL much but I do have love for the sport. To see another lockout in this sports in the last 7 years is just ridiculous. First I want to give a shout out my team the New York Rangers for there last season playoff run. It was amazing to watch and wish they would of won the Stanley Cup, but what can you do? Now it’s looking like they won’t even get a chance this coming season because the owners and players couldn’t come to a collective bargaining agreement. So they decided to lockout the players, teams and owners.

This is the 5th lockout in the sports since 1992. Why would anyone want to keep supporting this league faithfully? I’m just saying! I know you have die hard hockey fans out there and I understand your pain because when the NBA had a lockout I was distraught. Now we can see why the NHL has lost fans through the years and they aren’t as popular as they need to be. Us as fans knows that sports is a business and when the money isn’t right the fans will suffer for it. You have players that just signed long-term deals with teams in free agency and now they have nowhere to play for at least weeks to a couple of months. This isn’t good for the game.

Also players are heading out of the United States to play overseas with teams that are grabbing them up. These players are actually smart to do this because it will keep their game sharp for when the lockout is over they will be ready for battle. I’m getting a headache hearing about all these lockouts in sports period. But the NHL has the ball fallen again and they just don’t get it. So much greed goes into these negotiations is just unfair to the fans. Each side thinks that they’re being pushed around and both won’t give in. Well we all see how that turns out. What a damn mess. What do you guys think about the lockout and the NHL altogether?


  1. Jevon, what isn't good for the game is that seven years ago, you have a system that didn't work; attempt to revamp it, but the owners and the players continue to sign for outrageous contracts, markets who cannot support franchises, and a players association and management never getting on the same page. They still haven't learned. May be Bud Selig has a point, because MLB has been successful in it's operations. Donald Fehr and Gary Bettman could start looking at pages from that book.

  2. Akil, I know definitely what you're saying. These contracts are a bit crazy. You have players signing 9-10 year deals. The money they're making annual isn't a ton like baseball and basketball, but it's something when you think about hockey. These two need more then a book lol. They need church and seminars. Talk to you soon.
