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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Should I Throw the Flag Sherman: Are you Kidding me

In the case of this disastrous officiating that is going on in the NFL, Goodell and company need to get on it and bring back the regular officials. These replacement officials just can’t get the job done and it is very obvious. They are having the players make the calls for them for everything; to call out penalties for false starts or just holding calls. This is a complete mess and it is colliding with the integrity of the game we love. I say just pay the regular officials the money that they deserve. I understand that they aren’t perfect and they have made their shares of mistakes in the past on big plays, but this is filth that is put on the green.

Check out CB Richard Sherman in the picture; he doesn’t know what hit him when replacement official was ready to throw the penalty flag. My thing with these officials are that they really don’t understand most of the rules and they just seem to be too frightened to officiate these games. It’s kind of like the game is too big for them. I hope they don’t kill my Giants game tonight against Carolina because you guys will see a different side of me. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do! If you have the veterans forcing the replacement officials to make calls for them, what do you think rookie Robert Griffin III would do. He is doing the same thing and I can’t even blame him. Griffin is use to these kinds of officials from college (Bleacher Report, 2012). I say send them back where they came from.

Football is the number one sport in the country and many fans, teams and players are furious about what’s going on. The league understands that with the popularity of the sport they won’t lose fans. Goodell is playing with fire and I think he is a bit cocky to take fans for granted. I can definitely understand the gripes many are having about the officiating. But I would say let’s keep giving them a chance because it doesn’t look good for the regular officials and they are still trying to negotiate a deal. Who knows when they are coming back? So in the meantime we have to keep dealing with these officials and hope they can get better by the week. Do I think they will? Hmmm! Should I even answer that? Replacement officials have to start somewhere and have on the job training, but the game just seems to be too fast for them and who knows how long they will take to get it. Tell me your frustrations with these replacement officials.

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