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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top 5 NFL Coach of the Year Race

1.      Mike Smith, Atlanta Falcons
2.      Gary Kubiak, Houston Texans
3.      Bill Belichick, New England Patriots
4.      Chuck Pagano, Indianapolis Colts
5.      Pete Carroll, Seattle Seahawks


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  3. I'd say, in this order from 5 up to 1, Carrol, Kubiack, Coughlin, Mike Smith, Bill Belichick.

  4. Pagano hasn't coached this year I thought.

    1. Thanks for the comment Dennis. Pagano hasn't coached for most of the season as you said. The reason why he is in the top 5 is because the players are playing for him and that shows what he brings to the table. He might not be on the sidelines but trust me he's talking with the players all the time. best believe that. Look at this team now. Yes, Luck is amazing but I think Pagano has influenced them and that means a lot. I like your top 5. I would of put Coughlin in there but the Giants have been up and down and I'm a bigggg Giant fan.
