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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Put the Bottles Down

The love I have for the NFL doesn’t make me keep my mouth closed about this nonsense of a tragedy. First it was the suicide and killing of Chief’s Jovan Belcher and now a death of a Dallas Cowboys player in Jerry Brown. The man that caused it all was previous DUI offender and Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent. This man had no business driving while intoxicated. That’s the problem with sports figures and celebrities today. Many, not all feel they are untouchable and nothing will happen to them while this is just the opposite.

All the money that these players make, you’re telling me that they can’t take a cab or hire a driver to bring them around from home to the club? This is just insane; and don’t tell me that they are being frugal with their money because we’re in a recession. Hmm, that’s a good one when they are out popping bottles and toasting to the good life all night long. Now a young life is gone and you can’t get that back after it’s gone. I just don’t understand why common sense doesn’t come into the mind of people when they want to get behind the wheel after all that drinking.

Brown was just cruising with his best friend from college and he’s not thinking anything is wrong or that Brent is too drunk to drive. I know there are many people that drink and drive, meaning they will only a drink or two and still be able to go home safe. That’s what they feel and who am I to try to be the police of things. That’s the reality of life and it’s going to be this way. But you have Brent that is throwing it back like he can handle all that liquor and still get home safe. Wow is all I can say about that! Just ashamed and angry that you have these selfish players out there that think they can beat the odds and saying it won’t be me. Now Brown is dead and Brent will be locked down where he belongs for his idiotic decision. It’s like once a drunk, always a drunk. That definitely applied to Brent because he went to jail for 30 days back in college for his previous offense in 09’.

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