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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Avery Didn't Deserve This Kind of Treatment

Now former Brooklyn Nets coach Avery Johnson was unfairly fired from the organization Thursday after a 14-14 start. I think he was really good for this team but with the high pressure of performing at a high level and expectations out of the roof from owner Mikhail Prokhorov, nobody is safe and even Avery. Pressure bust pipes and they were when the Nets decided to move to Brooklyn in the Barclay’s center. Everyone knew with having a billion dollar arena in New York it was win or go home and Avery was the first to do so.
The Deron Williams fiasco wasn’t the main reason for Johnson to be ousted as coach. Even though Williams is much known for putting his coaches on blast and criticizing them publicly and whining like a big baby. Just ask former legendary Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan! I understand that you don’t like the offense that Avery is running; I got that, but pull Johnson to the side and bring out your frustrations and maybe you might get a change in it. But when you go out there and talk to the media that is when you’re airing out your laundry of the team and more people are watching closely; especially upper management and ownership.

Avery didn’t deserve to be fired the way he was, even though I saw the Nets falling quickly in front of our eyes. This team is better from last season with their additions and signings but they aren’t a championship team as of yet. Everyone was waiting for this rivalry to take place with the New York Knicks and there just isn’t one people. The Knicks will be the toast of the town of many more years. You just can’t come to a city and expect to replace a legendary team just like that. There are many Knick faithful’s in the city that isn’t just going to jump ship to be a Brooklyn Net fan; sorry!
I just think that Prokhorov didn’t like the style of play that Avery was running and he was looking for more excitement of this organization and how can we forget that this owner is really trying to be the team of this town. I believe that Johnson is an unbelievable coach that will definitely coach and again and will be successful. You don’t win 67 games as a coach in Dallas and not be good. Johnson taking the Nets job was definitely beneath him 2 years ago. The Nets did him a favor and fired him because they aren’t going to win anytime soon with this team constructed. Do you think that Avery was treated unfairly with the firing last week?

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