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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Never Count out Greatness: AP

Adrian Peterson has gone through some injuries in the past and mainly last year with a torn ACL but he is back and better than ever. Who could have seen this coming? Not me and many others. The reason is because with that type of injury it’s very hard to come back at full strength and be so explosive as before. Ask many others that came before him and they will tell you their story. AP has makes you believe that dreams come true if you believe in yourself and your hard work ethic. Thinking positive is great for a person because what you believe is what you’ll achieve. I know that sounds cliché but it’s the truth. Peterson isn’t just the runner up with Peyton Manning for Comeback Player of the Year but he’s after that MVP and Offensive Player of the year award. I think he will get the last two but not the MVP award. Not to count out AP on this but because Peyton had so many neck injuries and to come back as he has and on another team to have a winning record, that’s impressive on its own.
AP reminds me of the vintage running backs from the 60’s and 70’s with the likes of Walter Payton and O.J. Simpson. That’s not a small task to be compared to these players because they were the greatest at their positions. Peterson if healthy will be in the conversation with the greats. No questions asked! I’m just really happy for this guy because he is a freak on the field, breaking tackles and eluding defenses. Even though he has a terrible quarterback in Christian Ponder that doesn’t deter AP from being the great back that he is today. The record of 6-5 is mainly because of the back because of the 1,000 plus rushing yards he’s put up already in the season and he will break his old record of 1,760 of 2008.

Welcome back AP and we all just want to keep seeing you do great things on the field because your position is one of the most special positions in the game. The only thing is missing for the Minnesota Vikings is a Super Bowl and maybe AP can take them there and win. You just never know right? But me being the Giant fan that I am I really don’t want to see that haha. Greatness in the running back position is back in the NFL. What awards do you think AP will achieve this season?  

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