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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Desperate Times Calls for Desperate Measures

The New York Giants are in a desperate situation these last two weeks in the season as they’re looking for wins in Baltimore and at home against the Eagles. If they win these last two games as you’ll know, they will be in the tournament and at least be a wild card. Winning the NFC East is the goal but this team the way they’ve been playing just needs to focus on just making the playoffs. I predict that the Giants will not only beat the Ravens, but will crush them. The reason why is because when the big blue backs are against the wall they seem to turn it up and show no mercy to the opposition.
My only concerns for the Giants are the injuries that they’re facing with Bradshaw, Nicks and Tuck. If they can make it happen and play through this, the G-Men will have a bright outlook on the playoffs and what they can do once in. Everyone wants to know if the Giants can create magic again this year and win it all? That’s a great question that can’t be answered right now until they win these last games and get in. But I can tell you that the odds aren’t against them. Eli needs to have a stellar performance tomorrow and at least throw for three touchdowns for the Giants to win.

The Baltimore Ravens might be struggling right now with their offense but they’re no slouches. They still have a good defense in the league and as much as the Giants are desperate for a win, they’re as well. The G-Men can’t forget that and they need their defense and offense to step up this week because they were embarrassed last week in Atlanta. I don’t even want to get into that right now. I’m trying to think positive and today is Saturday. Who don’t want to enjoy their weekend haha? I just believe that the Giants will turn up the heat on these two teams and do whatever they have to do to get the win. There isn’t an option to lose. They have to get it done; period! Do you think the Giants will prevail this Sunday and against the lowly Eagles?

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