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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Where are They now: Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway

Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway was considered to be the next great in the NBA after Michael Jordan. The torch was going to be passed to young Hardaway, but with injuries sidelining him most of his career he never received it. Penny came out of Memphis with a lot of notoriety for being the greatest player to come out. Playing in Memphis State which is known now as Memphis University, Penny brought his team to the Elite Eight and racked up many different awards while doing it. In the 1993 NBA, he was drafted third overall by the Golden State Warriors, but then traded to the Orlando Magic for Chris Webber.
Penny flourished in his rookie season. Being a 6’7’’ and so versatile player, he couldn’t be stopped. He had Magic, Bird and Jordan in him all in one person. Many times through my teenage years I always heard “What if” or “Do you think that Penny would of”? Those questions still go through my head of what he could have been, but we live in a world of performing and moving on to the next big thing. Penny could have been one of the greatest players that we have ever seen play basketball. If you guys remember he starting the posturizing players like Shawn Bradley and others by dunking on them.

Today Penny is a retired NBA player that is giving back to an urban community to which he was originally from Binghamton. He understands the crime, drugs and violence that cover the streets every day. So he wanted to volunteer his time and give money to the middle school that gave him a chance, which is Lester Middle School (CNN, 2012). Hardaway is showing the kids just because you are from the ghetto don’t mean you can’t dream big and overcome your situation. Hardaway was once that kid growing up without a father in his life and left for his grandmother to raise him at the tender age of 5.
Hardaway might be retired from the game, but he still has the same fire today about basketball that he had over 20 years ago. He is giving that to the kids today and is stressing the fact about education and the importance of it. I totally love what he is doing for his community and wish that many other sports players would do this and look for nothing in return. Penny was one of my favorite players growing up and I know for many of you too. Hope you enjoy this issue and I have something for you guys next week on the edition of “Where are They now”. Tell me what you think about Penny Hardaway?


  1. I think he deserves to be in the NBA Hall of Fame. In four years, he was without question, one of the top 5 players in the world. He is now showing how good he is off the court as well.He has my vote..

    Harold "Mac" McReynolds

    1. Mac, I definitely hear where you're coming from. I would love to see Penny in the Hall of Fame. But the question is will the NBA see his former great days as his total body of work. He has my vote as well!
