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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Slugger Passes Sosa: Next Stop Sixth Place

Baltimore Orioles Jim Thome is one of the most liked players in the MLB. Since breaking into the league in 1991 with the Cleveland Indians, the 41 year old player has been smacking home runs. Last month Thome passed the alleged steroid using Sammy Sosa for 7th place on the all-time home run list. Thome hit number 609 and feels that he can go after Ken Griffey Jr.’s 630 home runs. If Thome can get to the feat he will be 6th all-time. With a struggling year because of age and injuries, Thome is just happy to be playing baseball.
I remember a few years ago when he played for the Chicago White Sox, many experts were questioning if Thome is a Hall of Famer. I’m here to tell these so-called experts that you guys were totally wrong. Thome is a man-child in his heyday. Pitchers were scared to pitch to him because they knew it was going over the fence. I’ve been following Thome since the 90’s and he has always made me nervous when he went up against the New York Yankees.

This is the type of player that you want to see great things for him. Every team that he played for had nothing but great things to say about Thome. This is very rare to see in sports. With attitudes and high egos, testosterone plays a big factor in team chemistry. I can say that Thome from what we know has done it the right way without the use of steroids like many of his old counterparts. So it is refreshing to see a player of his caliber hit those home runs for the fans that followed him his whole career. Great job Jim! We baseball fans and sports fans want to see you break Griffey’s record. In the end people, records are made to be broken and I’m a huggggeeee Ken Griffey Jr. fan. Do you guys think Thome has enough in him to do this?

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