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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This is my Year: The Comeback 2012

Denver Broncos Peyton Manning had some uncertainty if he was going to be able to play football in the future, while dealing with major injuries to his neck. Remind you people, he had four surgeries to his neck. With those kinds of injuries is devastating not just to a player’s career, but their lives. Manning is committed this season to stay healthy and give it his all while he is in a Broncos’ uniform. Manning signed a mega free agent deal this off-season for 5 years/$96 million. He was definitely a hot commodity and prize for the league to swoop up, but the Broncos won the raffle. Broncos’ legend John Elway made a great sales pitch to Manning and he bit.

The future Hall of Famer and one of the greatest players that ever lived will have some question marks this season and the rest of his contract. Can Manning stay healthy and not have his neck give him more problems? This is a tough one to answer guys. The only thing we can do is just wait and see how this story turns out. Manning is one of the most beloved football players that we have in the game. We want to see him succeed, but not another Super Bowl! Haha sorry Peyton. However, hoping for an electrifying season for Manning and maybe some record-breaking numbers can cure all things.

Manning is a much decorated player that doesn’t have much to prove to us, but himself. He wants to challenge himself that he can stay on the field and win another Super Bowl. Manning already has one championship and four MVP awards. I’m very excited that Manning is back to playing football. The only thing that we’ll have to get use to is that color uniform. It just doesn’t look right on him. I guess we were just use to his white and blue colors in Indianapolis. Manning’s progress will take time and the fans need to be patient with him and understand he is coming off a season ending surgery. But this league is a win now league, so we have to see how this season turns out.

I think that whatever situation Manning is in, his team automatically becomes a championship contender. The Denver Broncos are a good team, but Manning makes them so much better. He makes regular players into superstars. Ask Colts great Marvin Harrison. Do you guys think that Manning will have a breakout year?

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