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Friday, November 2, 2012

Time to Show and Prove: The Heat is on Carmelo

New York Knicks star small forward Carmelo Anthony is under a close microscope this season. Last year he took the Knicks back to the playoffs in two consecutive seasons, but fell short again in the first round. Anthony vows to everyone that this season will be different from the rest. He will do whatever it takes to get the Knicks back to winning and hopefully bring a championship back to the garden. I really like Melo and what he brings to the court, NBA and the team. He is a true competitor and I believe he really tries to help his team but sometimes it looks like he’s trying to get his own.
Look at the Stoudemire situation when Melo came to the team. They couldn’t gel with each other and we still don’t know how that will be. Stoudemire is out for another 6 weeks minimum. It’s funny because I just did a story about him last week how he is going to have a bounce back season. Now those injury prone knees are at it again. Now that is a topic for another day guys. Anthony has his first test tomorrow at home against the team that bumped them out the playoffs in 5; the NBA champions Miami Heat. James and Wade are coming to the garden tomorrow night to put a hurting on the newly Knicks.

Melo just has to get it done this season; no questions asked. He can’t keep saying next year will be the year. New York fans don’t have that kind of patience to keep waiting, but they have waited for 39 years already. But that isn’t the point though people. The Knicks have gotten better with Anthony as their franchise player but team ball hasn’t been his strong quality since he’s been in the league since 2003. He can make a change this year to quiet the critics and to prove to himself that a superstar lives in the garden and not just an offensive machine. Many of us know that this boy can score the basket, but we don’t know how far he can take us as a team and leader. The leader right now is Tyson Chandler but this should change a.s.a.p. and the reason why is because Melo is the man in New York. No disrespect to Chandler but Melo needs to put this franchise on his back and run with it. Who knows how Stoudemire will play when he gets back in a month or so.

I don’t mean to beat the guy up and put so much pressure on Anthony to do the impossible because many players came before him and failed. The thing is too he makes over $20 million per season, so you know with money comes huge responsibility and that is to win. Ask A-Rod! I don’t know about a championship this season and I’m okay with that; which seems kind of crazy because I’m a crazy Knick fan lol. But realistically I just want to see the Knicks compete every night and leave it out on the floor. That is what most New York fans want to see. That is what we respect. Come on Melo; bring us to the promise land! Pretty please…. Do you think Melo has what it takes to get the job done as a Knick?

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