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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Phase 2 of the Retirement of Brandon Roy

Minnesota Timberwolves Brandon Roy just had his 7th knee surgery and might just be the last one because I think that he will have an official retirement this time from the NBA. Last year it was an unofficial one. The All-Star was a hopeful to be one of the next great players of the league. He was even in the mentions of the likes of Kobe Bryant of the future and Michael Jordan was his childhood hero growing up. So you just knew Roy was looking to walk the same path of the greats that came before him. The problem is in sports that we all know our health is something that we don’t have control over; especially our ligaments. Roy was out the whole 2011-2012 season nursing his knees that seem to be giving out on him and all type of contusions problems.
There were a few teams out there this summer that were courting Roy to come play for their organization but they had their doubts the same time just like many out there. The question they had was “would his knees hold up” and the answer is no! I think that Roy loves the game of basketball and I could imagine the stress and maybe the depression he might face not being on the court but he has no control over it. Roy is such a competitor when he did play in Portland and sky was the limit for him. So when we all found out that he had such bad knee problems, the only thing you could do is feel very sorry for him. The most important thing for Roy is to take care of his health first. I understand many want to see him on the court as I do as well. But there is life outside of basketball and even after it as well.

Roy is going to go on record to say that he is just going to see how the process plays out and take some time off to see how it goes but I think this time is the end. Many players aren’t Grant Hill that can come back from all those surgeries and setbacks. Not to say his destiny is written but it damn sure is looking that way. Do you think Brandon Roy is done in the NBA? Also do you think he could have been one of the great guards to ever play the game? I would love to know what you think.

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