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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rich & Spoiled: Young Cam Can’t Lead

Today was a big day for Cam Newton’s Carolina Panthers as they defeated the Washington Redskins 21-13. That doesn’t mean Cam is off the hook on this article. His attitude has been a major problem with the team and he is the news of the league recently. Last season there were questions about his lack of leadership and his mental state towards defeat. Nobody in the NFL or just any professional sport wants to lose, but someone has too. So far it has been him and the Panthers that have got the bad end of the stick. Losing helps players learn and while molding one. Cam needs to be more humble and be grateful of his situation in the NFL and being the franchise player of the team.
Cam Newton is a very special player that has all the talent in the world. We all noticed it when he led Auburn to the NCAA National Championship. This man is a strong quarterback that isn’t scared to rush or throw the ball with confidence. He may be young but his football IQ is very high. Last season being the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year you just knew this young player was on his way to great success. Newton did all of this with a very bad team. There were many things asked of him and for the most part he did what needed to be done, but that towel on his head mess when he loses or doesn’t get his way needs to change and now.

Wide receiver and teammate Steve Smith noticed his quarterback’s attitude towards losing against the Giants and he let him have it. Smith is known for his adversities that he’s faced through the years with the club but he needs the young Newton to be a leader (Collin, n.d.). I just don’t think he has it in him. You may feel different about that guys, but some have it and some don’t. I just don’t want to hear that he is young. You have players that is his age and even a rookie that show leadership qualities and don’t cry about everything. He was even quoted as being a bad teammate last season. Seems a bit like newly reinvented Terrell Owens; I’m just saying. If you want to run on the field and act like you’re ripping your shirt and become superman, you need to show more patience and leadership. Superman wouldn’t do it any other way! Having too much too young can hurt a person and I think that Cam’s case being young and rich. Tell me what you think of Cam Newton’s behavior?

Collin, J. Cam Newton: Will He Lead or Recede?, n.d.,, Retrieved 4 November 2012.

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