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Friday, November 23, 2012

The Ndamukong Suh Report: Some Things will Never Change

Is it just me or are you guys tired of this maniac of a football player in Ndamukong Suh. I really try to keep the peace when I write to you guys but this dude just doesn’t get it. First he almost breaks Jake Delhomme neck and then the stomp last year. Where does it end guys? I think I know when someone does it back to him and maybe they might get him with his helmet off. Let me stop haha. Okay guys I’m back. Sorry about that! Just seeing him again and again with his crazy and bizarre ways you just ask yourself when is this guy going to be out of the league. Roger Goodell needs to pull the plug on him quickly or this is going to get more out of hand. This isn’t good for the league at all. I’m at work today; yes I did have to be there at the bank unfortunately and I see Suh on CNN. Man, when you on CNN something isn’t right people. Don’t you agree?
Yesterday were some great football games besides the Jets just not showing up to the game. I think they were like us and stayed home with the family because I didn’t know what was on the field except Tom Brady throwing bullet passes. But that’s beside the point right now when Suh is the topic of discussion. Many people try to give him the benefit of the doubt but it shows that 3 strikes and you’re out and it seems that he went way over them. With the kick in the groin to Houston’s Matt Schaub you can just tell Suh is always out for blood like he is really hunting out there. Let’s be honest with ourselves. Football is a gladiator sport but it’s just a sport people and at times there are some major injuries. But Suh is making those injuries on players intentionally and he needs to be out ASAP. I’m calling for his job Goodell and other higher powers out there. I know I don’t have that kind of pull but at least you guys listen to me.

Suh was a guy out of University of Nebraska with a lot of momentum and buzz. Being drafted No. 2 didn’t hurt as well where he got paid tens of millions of dollars. Even being in commercials endorsing the famous Subway’s sandwiches you just knew this player had a bright future. He seemed like a good guy and many experts say that he really is. But does this guy black out when he is on the field? Who the hell knows, but this isn’t good for the NFL and for the viewers at home. Kids watch football too and when I was growing up I sure didn’t see this madness on the field from players. Suh just takes it to the max with his reckless abandonment and his time will come. I promise you that because this isn’t a man that is trying to change. With all the disgust I face tonight, what do you guys think about his play and where he will be in the next 3 years?


  1. Your an Idiot , Was obviously accidental . Let me guess he knew he was gonna kick him in the nuts with his face buried in the ground? You must be a bears fan and butt hurt over him "Legally" Tackling Cutler. Last night when SUH took schaub down it was "legal" awesome. Total BS article. Right about some truth if you are gonna write something. He did stomp a guys arm last year and he paid for it . Time to move on .

    1. By the way , look at other nfl games , charles woodson punched 3 guys his last 2 years , a viking kicked a packer in the junk last year intentional and no news on this? Video's on the net of this stuff. Way to single a guy out for 1 bad call he made last year.

    2. I must be a idoit just like a lot of great players that all seen and witnessed the play of him kicking Schaub. It almost looked accidental but Suh extended that leg to kick him. FYI Anonymous I'm a Giant fan. How can people move on if Suh is still doing the same thing over and over again. Before you respond and be anonymous do your homework. The reason why Woodson is not on the hot seat is because for the most part of his career he has done the right thing.
