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Monday, October 29, 2012

The Real Truth About American Fans

I didn’t touch on this story for a couple of weeks because I wanted to really put my all in getting all the proper information about what happened the day Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel incurred an concussion against the Baltimore Ravens. I do understand that the fans are not pleased with his past performance. I got that, but come on cheering when he goes down to injury. This is disgusting to hear about the next day on the news and the radio. I will tell you guys that I was a bit shocked about it but not completely and here’s why.
The American fan is very passionate about sports and when they go to a sports event such as a football game they are really leaving it out on the field. Some love to fight, curse and get drunk at games. The sad part about it is that many kids attend these games and they are exposed to this mayhem. They don’t need that while they are with their mom and dad trying to enjoy a day out and cheer on their team. The night of the cheering the concussion the Chiefs did lose 9-6 against the Ravens and the fans are pretty much angry. I’m just not a fan of people cheering on injury; especially their own player. This isn’t humane to me! What do you guys think about that? You have the fans that are coming out of Kansas City and fighting back and saying that not 80,000 cheered, it was only a few people (Gregory, 2012). Are you serious? A few is still bad in my eyes. Who are they to cheer maybe a career ending injury?
You never know what could happen in this case of a concussion people. We have found out as fans in the past years on how major a head injury can be and cause after effects in a person’s life when retired. I just laugh how fans all across the country are big and bad when they go to a game but when they are at work they are puppies. What I mean by that is when fans are at games they show this side to them that doesn’t exist in their everyday lives. They wait for the right moment to attack a professional player. It’s like when one fan curses and hears it, which is when they follow with their attacks.
It was just refreshing to see Cassel’s teammate offensive lineman Eric Winston stand up to the fans and the media and tell to the world how he felt. I’m really not a fan on players speaking about fans and all but this needed to be addressed. Let’s go a little back in time guys. If you remember in 1999, Hall of Famer and former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin was cheered by Philadelphia Eagles fans when he lay on the turf with a career ending neck injury (Gregory, 2012). This just rubs me the wrong way when I hear these kinds of stories and I know for most of my followers that are reading it; it bothers you as well. Let’s think about the word fan. What does it really mean? Hmm; it means FANATIC!
I learned in sports that everyone can’t be great. To have great players and teams you have to have bad ones. Unfortunately Kansas City Chiefs are one of those teams. Not to say that Cassel is a bad quarterback, but you can’t have every quarterback that is Brees, Manning brothers and Brady. You just can’t!
Gregory, S. Cheers for Matt Cassel’s Concussion: Why Sport Fans Applaud Injury., 9 October 2012,, Retrieved 29 October 2012.

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