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Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Death of a Dynasty: Yankees 2012

Guys, I have a lot on my mind and this is the right place for me to vent to you. So I’m going in this morning. First of all did who was that on the field against the Detroit Tigers? It definitely wasn’t the New York Yankees; it couldn’t be. The team I saw looked nervous to swing at the right pitch and just looked a horrible mess out there. Oh yeah that was the Yankees haha, my bad. I can go for hours and maybe days talking about how dreadful they were but I’m not going to go there. There is still a lot of pain and anguish that we are still going through as fans of this team. So I will get to some great points and just wait for next season to see what they will do.
Let’s talk about the manager Joe Giradi. I can say that he is really a good manager and he doesn’t get the credit that he deserves. Managing the Yankees is no walk in the park and the scrutiny and pressure is on him every day. But Giradi understands what comes with the territory as why he took the job and was a good catcher and champion with the team in the 90’s. He made the right decisions on pulling players such as Swisher and A-Rod when they were struggling. That was the right call because they weren’t hitting the ball and being .100 at the plate is just not going to cut it. So I don’t put the blame on the manager, but many will still do that.

Here it goes guys! A-Rod, Swisher, Granderson and Cano; where the hell were for the last week or so. Striking out that many times is just something to remember for the ages. I can tell you guys that I didn’t see this coming at all and I know you didn’t as well. Don’t get me wrong I knew they would have a battle against this gritty team that just won’t go away. The Tigers are up and coming and have much to prove to the league and fans. This was a great victory for them and the city as we all know the struggles they have had through the years of the economy. The Yankees just laid down and said “do what you please”. Are you kidding me? They had to have more integrity and fight in them; well we thought anyway. People love just to blame the $27 million a year player in A-Rod, that he was the fault of the loss. I say that he was a part of the loss just like the others.

This team is has many overpaid players and they are just too old to get it down now. 2009 is over and gone! Let’s focus on the future by getting younger and get these high maintenance players out of here. They know who they are. I don’t have to say names. I’m a die-hard Yankee fan and it just killed me inside to see them get swept like that against the Tigers. I believe this team will win the World Series against the favorite Cardinals. That’s just me! Trading A-Rod in the offseason isn’t going to fix the problems that they Yankees are having. They will still have to pay A-Rod most of the contract that he is owed anyway. I personally like the guy, but he is just too broken down in his career and every year it seems that his mental game just declines as well. The future doesn’t look too bright for this team if they don’t fix the problems that they are having within the club. Spending money is great to make the big splash, but if you’re not getting any return on your investment what does it really mean? I want you guys to vent to me how you feel.

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