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Saturday, May 21, 2016

San Francisco 49ers: Can Colin Kaepernick revive his career?

Once upon a time, San Francisco 49ers’ Colin Kaepernick was dubbed the next great quarterback in the NFL. In his 2012 coming out season, Kaepernick led the 49ers to the Super Bowl and was just one play shy of returning back for redemption in his next season.

Currently, Kaepernick has become a pariah in the organization. In this year’s offseason, it was widely publicized that the Niners were looking to move Kaepernick to the Denver Broncos, however, that trade didn’t fall through. That showed Kaepernick that the 49ers didn’t want anything to do with him and his guaranteed $11.9 million. The team didn’t believe Kaepernick was the future quarterback of this team.

The past two seasons hasn’t been easy on anyone in the organization, and especially for Colin Kaepernick. The once talented offensive and defensive super team with former head coach Jim Harbaugh at the helm, are now just a depleted roster that looks physically and emotionally beat down.

Last season, the former brass knuckled Jim Harbaugh ran to coach the University of Michigan. Harbaugh must’ve seen the writing on the wall that his team wasn’t going to be a championship contender after a two-year deep playoff run with Kaepernick. Could you blame a guy that’s looking out for himself and his legacy; you can’t. 

Kaepernick is still a young quarterback that has many years to play at a high level. People need to understand that Kaepernick is a mobile quarterback that has a hell of an arm. He definitely has a place in the NFL. Even if it’s not with the 49ers.

What some people don’t realize is that, your numbers can be inflated depending on the system you’re playing in. We saw that with Kaepernick the previous seasons with coach Harbaugh. The 49ers’ had a strong offensive line that protected their gem, and that propelled Kaepernick in the pocket, to make the short, and at times long pass to receivers.

Newly 49ers’ head coach Chip Kelly, will be looking to shake things up as he brings a set of skills that few coaches carry. Kelly loves to have a quarterback that’s athletic, can run the ball, and that has great timing and accuracy. We’ll just have to see how things play out this coming NFL season with Kaepernick and Kelly side by side. But first, Kaepernick needs to fight for the starting quarterback position, as it’s not set in stone that he’ll be the starter.

In all, the Niners are going to be a terrible team, but Kelly is known to turn things around fast. But with the lack of talent I wouldn’t bet my house on it.