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Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Brooklyn Nets Should Cut Their Losses and Trade Brook Lopez

The 26-year-old center Brook Lopez is facing another setback this season with recurring right foot problems. Lopez has already had three foot surgeries in his six-year career in the NBA. The Brooklyn Nets has some major decisions to make on Lopez in coming weeks.

Don't be surprised if Lopez is shipped out-of-town by year-end, because he can't stay on the court. When healthy, Brook Lopez is one of the best big men in the league that can put up 20 points per game. However, Lopez's health is always in question every season. The Stanford University standout can't get a break.

Many Nets fans aren't shocked by the news that Lopez was feeling pain in his right foot, because they're use to it by now. The Nets can't win in the long run without Lopez being on the court.
Brook Lopez only played in 17 games last season for the Nets, and you can say if they had him throughout the year, they could've potentially went far in the 2014 NBA Playoffs.

In 2012, the Brooklyn Nets invested $61 million in Lopez believing that he'll be the catalyst in bringing a NBA championship to New York. However, the only thing he's done is sit on the sideline suited up watching his team deflate without him.

There are some teams out there that would take a chance on Lopez, even though he's a big question mark. So if the Nets decide to pull the trigger, they need to make sure they can get back some first round draft picks and another quality big man.

The Brooklyn Nets were a playoff bubble team coming into this season with Brook Lopez, and now with him out the lineup they'll be lucky to win 35 games this season. The good thing is center Mason Plumlee will get increased minutes, and he can develop a much better post-up game. Plumlee's development is key if the Nets want to make the playoffs.

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